Mental Health Awareness Month
Work is a significant source of strain on our mental health.
How might we rethink our work to reduce the impact on our mental health?
May is Mental Health Awareness Month with Mental Health Awareness Week running from 13 - 19 May.
In my humble opinion work is a significant source of strain on our mental health. We spend a lot of time at work and everything about work can contribute to our mental health. These day's, uncertainty and the impact this has on income/costs is most prominent.
This word: Uncertainty has been doing the rounds more and more over the last decade. We're all used to it now and accept that everything is uncertain...
Our work lives are lived with the ever changing backdrop of UAU (Uncertainty as Usual). Riding out uncertainty is tough. Some uncertainty is manageable e.g. which lunch choice will I go for today.
A lot of uncertainty is much less manageable - e.g. time to get invoices paid - lots of us are on the constant look out to figure out the best way to survive a challenging economic environment. How we organise in these times is absolutely fundamental to the certainty with which we can secure revenues and as a result, incomes.
Uncertainty is a massive source of stress - it has people are searching for 'how to reduce stress' every 10 minutes on Google.
For me the most important question that we explore with customers and partners here at Teamory is how do you better understand and eventually master uncertainty?
And therein lies the answer to the question at the top of this post:
How do you rethink work to reduce the impact on our mental health?
Answer: With a consistent and relentless focus on mastering uncertainty so that you are not just coping, you are able to seamlessly adapt to win no matter what. Just that alone helps people feel secure and as a result, improve overall workplace mental health.
Come and talk to us if you'd like a hand improving the mental health of your workplace.
Better Results through Better organised work includes better mental health.