How to Retain More Employees
“On average, it costs approximately 6 - 9 months of an employee's salary to train and onboard a new hire. This includes expenses related to recruitment, orientation, training programs and decreased productivity during the learning curve”
How Teamory Can Save Your Business Time and Money
Something we all know but for some reason ignore is employee turnover. It’s costly and inconvenient to say the least, but if you’re not careful it could be detrimental to your business’ reputation too, especially with HR tools such as Glassdoor.
What if you could recognise the signs that someone is thinking about leaving and do something about it beforehand?
What if you created a workplace so good that no one ever wanted to leave?
Well, Teamory is here to revolutionise the way you approach staff retention and transitions. With our innovative approach, we not only help you identify signs of potential departures but also provide actionable insights to boost retention rates and seamlessly onboard new team members.
So, how do we recognise the warning signs?
Recognising the subtle cues indicating an employee may be considering leaving is crucial for proactive intervention. Teamory’s work approaches and tools not only improve employee engagement, satisfaction and performance, but we open the culture that makes it easy for you to see, and appropriately calm, the discontent among your workforce. By identifying these red flags early on, we empower you to take preemptive measures to address concerns and re-engage your team.
“Organisations with highly engaged employees experience 21% higher profitability”
How do we create a culture of retention?
We believe that creating a supportive and fulfilling work environment is paramount to retaining top talent. Our tailored strategies help you cultivate a workplace culture where employees feel seen, valued, motivated and invested in the company's success as well as their own. Our approach equips you with an array of tools and techniques that introduce, sustain and nurture a health work culture. Some of these tools include well designed recognition programs or clearly outlined career and growth avenues/roadmaps, our focus is to partner with you to strengthen employee loyalty and commitment.
If someone was to leave, how do we minimise transition disruptions?
We’re not saying people will never leave - what we are saying is that when they do, that experience will be more additive than subtractive to your mission. How? When learning that someone is leaving/left we implement our seamless transition process to minimise disruptions to your operations. This includes our Organisational Memory solutions which are designed to find and onboard new hires for impact from day 1. We accelerate new hire productivity through deep mentoring on your behalf, reducing the time it takes to reach full proficiency. By investing in our expertise, you can significantly mitigate the costs associated with employee turnover and maximse the return on your staff investments.
Empower Your Business with Teamory
In today's competitive landscape, retaining talent and ensuring smooth transitions are essential for sustaining business success. With Teamory as your partner, you can proactively address retention challenges, foster a culture of loyalty and resilience, and navigate employee transitions with confidence. Imagine your company being known as one of the best to work for. Say goodbye to turnover woes and hello to a thriving.